Glex Energy v.3.1 released

Glex continues its journey to power your asset portfolio development with the release of Glex Energy 3.1 – an early Christmas present to our users!

Adding to the big changes we introduced in version 3.0 in October, this new release brings -

✅ Saving and loading of built portfolio scenarios, including sharing between users

✅ Risking of individual profiles – defaults to Pg for exploration prospects. Users can overwrite and control risk in %

✅ Arranging of profiles by Profile Set as well as Asset, making it easier to select what profiles you want to visualise and build a portfolio scenario from

✅ Export of scenarios to Excel now reflects selected profiles, risking and ownership, including individual profile sheets and a summary sheet

Notifications & visualisation -

✅ New notifications feature to inform you of data and information changes, keeping you up to date without having to search for updates

✅ Colour well locations, facilities and other point object by attributes in map view

Contact us for a demo here on Linked In or at

As always, we have also introduced new data & ironed out bugs – see the release notes for a full list –

Users can download the latest version here -